Hirosawa Transparent color chart

Hirosawa Transparent color chart


Hirosawa Transparent color chart

Please note! You may download and print these color charts for free on Merry-Lee’s Online Classroom in the tips and tricks section. We recommend using Glossy Color Photo Paper for the best results.

Hirosawa Transparent


Printed color charts should not be intended to replace actual tests of enamels fired on silver, copper and gold.

For information on firing testplates https://www.enamelartsupply.com/makinatestplate

Please also note how these are shipped! if you order just the charts they will be sent in a flat rate envelope. If you also purchase product your charts will be gently bent around your product. If you need them sent flat PLEASE make a NOTE on your order to ship in a Medium flat rate box, you may be asked to pay for more shipping costs if you ask for this. Thank you!

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