Alumina Tray with Ceramic Plate

Alumina Tray with Ceramic Plate
Ceramic Plate (2" X 2")
Alumina Tray (3" X 3 1/4")
Set of both - $38
The ceramic plate is a hard, non-porous, non-stick plate for firing small flat plique-a-jour or counter enameled pieces. Because it is non-porous it is easy to wet pack enamel directly on the plate without having the moisture wicked away. It leaves a nice smooth surface on the fired enamel. Use the alumina tray under it to prevent heat shocking the ceramic plate. Warm the plate + tray on top of the kiln or under heat lamps before and after firing. Note: you will probably need to fire longer than usual.
This is a product that Coral used to sell at Enamelwork Supply and we were finally able to locate them in Japan. Karen Cohen uses this to pre fire her millefiori.