Cap Pair for 1.25" sifter

Cap Pair for 1.25" sifter
These end caps are the perfect addition to your 1.25” sifters when you are using your sifters to grade for mesh size. As shown in the Skin Tone Workshop with Merry-Lee.
Find a 4 minute video describing their use: please subscribe to my youtube channel while you are there!
You will also find them valuable to prepare your Mason Stain flux without breathing the fine silica dust as they will enclose your enamel powder. When using Mason stains- you will need three different grades of the same flux. For example Hirosawa S-1. If you stack a 200 mesh sifter on top of a 325 mesh sifter with a cap on the top and the bottom: who can grade your S-1 into 325 and smaller to use as painting flux, 200-325 to encapsulate your Mason Stains, and 80-200 mesh for Ultra Clear top coating. As described in the Mason Stain Wolf workshop.
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